A Tactical Retreat by EDC or Victory for Keep Penrith Special ( KPS) ?


Twaddle #6  – Retreat or Tactic?

A Tactical Retreat by EDC or Victory for Keep Penrith Special ( KPS) ?

We are about to enter the most dangerous phase of our campaign against the woeful Masterplan.

It seems we may have won. But we at KPS don’t think the campaign is won. We have read the small print.

KPS Demand:

No building on the Beacon.

Their concession:

No building on the Beacon as part of the Masterplan and access as today to limited parts of the Beacon.

The reality:

There could be building on the Beacon in the future. Financially it is probably better for Lowther not to be part of the Masterplan. Access for walking would have to be given anyway, as it is today, as it is a well established, and customary, walk on certain limited parts.

KPS Demand:

NO to Masterplan

Their concession:

We think EDC will soon announce ‘we won’t put in the planned application for Garden Village money in the round closing on 9th November’.

The reality:

They haven’t scrapped the Masterplan.

EDC haven’t scrapped the unlawful consultation, instead they have extended parts of it.
They still say they can use the results of the biased survey monkey questionnaire which turns opponents of the Masterplan into supporters of EDC by trick questions.
They have simply delayed a Garden Village application for the Masterplan. They realised that all the hoo-hah means it is now a political ‘hot potato’ and would therefore likely be turned down anyway.

They think they have avoided a legal humiliation.

What do we fear?: The people of the District will think EDC have listened and think that the people have won the concessions everyone wanted and then go back to sleep. Then EDC will proceed to get through the back door what they couldn’t get through the front. They will say, ‘we consulted you and listened’. When everyone wakes up it will be ‘New Squares Mark2 on speed’. They are still have meetings planned for next week about stuffing the Masterplan into the Local Plan. Now what does that tell you?

What do they fear?: That the people of the District will see through their tactics, wont go back to sleep and will make sure EDC can’t get through the back door what they couldn’t get through the front, probably by voting out all the Masters of the Masterplan and other sheep in the May Council elections.

It is vital that we keep the pressure up. Please share this post.

Please sign the Petition to SAY NO TO THE MASTERPLAN. Sign the petition here

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One thought on “A Tactical Retreat by EDC or Victory for Keep Penrith Special ( KPS) ?

  1. EDC are devious enough to do anything to get there plans accepted just like they did with the New Squares debacle

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