Garden Villages located away from larger conurbations promote car based living.


Transport for New Homes

The Transport for New Homes Association published a report in July 2018 reviewing over 100 new housing developments across many parts of England and the Netherlands to see whether these live up to our expectations.

“The aspirations for new homes mirror many aspects of modern society thinking. This envisages more physically active and less isolated lives and reduced congestion on the roads. For transport the visions presented by planning documents and literature do not show new residents getting into cars and being stuck in traffic, but rather depict people cycling and walking as part of their everyday life, with bus services often featured as providing an alternative to the car.

The report showed in many cases the reality was far away from these aspirations and this was particularly the case where houses were located in “garden villages”. Continue reading “Garden Villages located away from larger conurbations promote car based living.”

A Bit of an Oversight?

 A high-pressure Gas Pipeline routes straight through the Beacon Garden Villages.

High pressure gas pipeline
The gas pipeline runs through the middle of phase 2, much of phase 1 and the employment area, and has been plotted here.

In this episode of Twaddle a KPS group-member, alerted to the issue by a CW Herlad readers letter, investigated this potential hazardous oversight in the Masterplan.  As you can see from the map above the ‘high pressure gas pipeline’, which carries much of the gas for the whole of the U.K. down it’s pipe,  routes straight through the majority of the Beacon Garden Villages. It runs parallel to the proposed Northern Relief road for much of the way, is under the proposed industrial site by Junction 41, by Stagstones Farm it becomes even more interesting as it has the new spine road above it and is beside the proposed new secondary school. Half an hour of googling gives anyone a good idea of what a problem this is but page 75 of the LUC Technical Appraisal pays little regard to this issue.

We have been told, that even at this stage, EDC are still waiting to hear from British Gas about how the pipeline might affect the Masterplan. They may be waiting some time as the pipeline is controlled by National Grid, not British Gas! Continue reading “A Bit of an Oversight?”

A Tactical Retreat by EDC or Victory for Keep Penrith Special ( KPS) ?


Twaddle #6  – Retreat or Tactic?

A Tactical Retreat by EDC or Victory for Keep Penrith Special ( KPS) ?

We are about to enter the most dangerous phase of our campaign against the woeful Masterplan.

It seems we may have won. But we at KPS don’t think the campaign is won. We have read the small print.

Continue reading “A Tactical Retreat by EDC or Victory for Keep Penrith Special ( KPS) ?”

Twaddle #5 -Affordable Housing Claims Unpacked.

The Claim:

EDC states that it will “seek a minimum of 30% affordable housing on all new developments”.

The Reality:

However, the ‘Technical Document’ states “there is provision for this (30% affordable housing) to be reduced… where it can be demonstrated that application of the policy will render any housing scheme unviable”. Continue reading “Twaddle #5 -Affordable Housing Claims Unpacked.”



CW herald


ENGAGEMENT: A Consultation where EDC present things in a biased way and try to evade the law on fairness and balance.

MASTERPLAN: A Document designed to sell the idea of building on and behind the Beacon to the population of the District, full of ludicrous assertions like bringing 7000 jobs when EDC can’t even empty the bins, or building on the Beacon is the best way to protect it, or that building a new town with it’s own shops and facilities above Penrith will bring more trade to Penrith and mean less congestion to roads in the area.


Twaddle #4:Economic Growth Unpicked


Economic Growth Unpicked


Objective 2 of the masterplan (Technical Appraisal page 15) seeks to encourage diverse economic growth based upon the following strategic priorities as identified in the Cumbria Strategic Economic Plan (2014-2024)
• advanced manufacturing
• energy
• rural and visitor economy
• strategic connectivity


The plan was developed by the Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) with an objective of unleashing Cumbria’s economic potential and deliberately focuses on areas of existing strength. In summary: Continue reading “Twaddle #4:Economic Growth Unpicked”

Twaddle #3: Population growth figures unpicked

Population Growth in Eden and Penrith

Will dualling the A66 and unsubstantiated economic development increase the population of Penrith to 2050 by 85% compared with the latest Office for National Statistics (ONS) projections?


The Eden Local Plan (2014 to 2032) and Penrith Masterplan figures:


Eden             2014             52000 (approx)

2032             57400  (end of Local Plan)

2052             71000  (19000 increase)

Penrith           2014             15800 (approx)

2032             18000

2052             27600 (assumes growth in Penrith is 75% of Eden)


Eden             2014             23000 (approx)

2032             27000

2052             32000 (9000 increase)

Penrith          Increase by 6600 from 2014 to 2052


The Penrith Masterplan preferred option assumption is that Eden’s population will have an unprecedented high growth fast rate for a sustained period from 2032 Continue reading “Twaddle #3: Population growth figures unpicked”

Press Release: September 28TH 2018 Campaign Group Keep Penrith Special obtains Legal Opinion.


Press Release: September 28TH 2018

Campaign Group Keep Penrith Special obtains Legal Opinion that Eden District Council’s Masterplan Consultation:

‘falls woefully short of the legal requirements of a valid consultation process’.

 On 10th September 2018 Eden District Council launched a public consultation exercise into the “Penrith Strategic Masterplan: A Vision to 2050”. This Masterplan envisages doubling the size of Penrith by building a New Town/Series of Garden Villages on high ground behind Penrith’s iconic Beacon and building on the Beacon itself.

Keep Penrith Special, formed to oppose the Masterplan has obtained a Legal Opinion from Zach Simons of the leading set of London Planning Barristers Landmark Chambers that in the Opinion of Mr Simons: Continue reading “Press Release: September 28TH 2018 Campaign Group Keep Penrith Special obtains Legal Opinion.”

Masterplan Twaddle #2

Reality check #2: EDC plan a series of ‘Garden Villages’. Read about the implications for Penrith.

The Claim

The Masterplan claims that it will ‘improve the vitality of Penrith town centre’ and a whole section is devoted to ‘Developing & Protecting Penrith Town Centre’.

The Reality

We don’t think it will do anything to Develop and Protect Penrith Town Centre. Instead it will create an alternative town which will rival Penrith, but only 2.5 miles away. This is because it will be a ‘Garden Village’ or a series of them and form part of the Government Garden Village programme.

The Masterplan never mentions that it is really a softening up exercise designed to seek Public Support for an Application for Garden Village status from the Government. That’s the only way this could ever be financed. Here is a link to the Government announcement of the next round of funding: Continue reading “Masterplan Twaddle #2”

Master Plan Twaddle #1.

Reality checks on Master Plan claims

Reality check #1: The proposed new nuclear facility at Moorside won’t have important implications for Penrith.

written for Keep Penrith Special by a former senior executive in the nuclear industry in Sellafield.

The Claim

‘There are a number of major development opportunities that are planned to occur outside Eden that could have important implications for Penrith. In particular these include.

The proposed new nuclear facility at Moorside would employ several thousand staff at the peak of construction. Some of these people could potentially live in Penrith’.

The Reality


Beacon Development nuclear development in Cumbria
Penrith will have little to offer the nuclear industry on Cumbria’s West Coast

Sellafield is the major employer in West Cumbria, supported by a large supply chain network mostly located within 20 miles of the site. The major activity at Sellafield for the past few decades has been nuclear reprocessing and this is due to cease in 2020. The site will undergo decommissioning for a number of decades employing a major workforce which is likely to decline over the coming years.

The Moorside nuclear power plant will be located just north of the Sellafield Site, 10 miles south of Whitehaven. Construction and engineering workers would be employed over a 5-10 year period on the site and when operational around 1000 full time jobs would be created. Moorside is owned by Nugen, a UK subsidiary of Toshiba and there is currently uncertainty over the future of the project. Should the project proceed Nugen have plans developed to build temporary accommodation in the local area for all the contractors and to provide infrastructure to facilitate the transport of workers.

There are no plans to locate any construction staff more than 10 miles from the site and it is inconceivable that staff would be housed in Penrith.

Say No to the Master Plan – sign here: